大規模修繕工事 見積シミュレーター マンション管理組合必携!

by 株式会社太陽



Please choose a construction company of large-scale repairs, such as when you bought the apartment.To everyone of the division owner, I want you to firmly look at the "personality" of the company to be asked to repair. I do not know that, more and more questions are to be funny to think in common sense, it is very important to choose a construction company that can be convincing.Large-scale repairs simulator is a free application that can be easily simulate the costs to large-scale repairs of the apartment.Usage is simple. "Skeleton construction costs" Select whether to estimate either "facility construction cost", then follow the instructions on the screen, will continue to enter the necessary items such as the number of households of the apartment. When the input is complete, the system displays the amount of money that is required to work. The simulation results can be saved, you can refer to later.In the "large-scale repair Glossary", search by entering a keyword, of course, you can search by category, it is possible to search by alphabetical order. If you have any do not know the term, it will be examined immediately.The results obtained in the simulation, will be estimated. If you need more detailed quote, please contact us from the home page.Co., Ltd. Solar Homehttps://www.renewal-taiyo.co.jp/